Zach Pine Create with Nature website
Zach Pine Create with Nature contact form and email list signup for events and news
Sand Globes Worldwide website (includes 4-minute instructional video)
Sand Globes Worldwide project video
Beach Propellers Worldwide website
Guide: Create-with-Nature play-- How to set up and host your own nature play program
Making and Using Create-with-Nature Zones (how-to guide)
SF Nature Exploration Area Design Playbook (20 pages pdf)
SF Nature Exploration Design Guide (73 pages pdf)
National COVID-19 Outdoor Learning Initiative
Create-with-Nature Cart
Nature Play & Learning Places (book)
Children & Nature Network (C&NN) (multiple resources, including research library)
San Francisco Children and Nature
Children in Nature Collaborative (SF Bay Area)
Natural Learning Initiative (NLI) (includes multiple resources)
Why conservationists should heed Pokémon (article in Science)
"People of color: Nature belongs to us, too," blog post by CJ Goulding
How to raise an environmentalist (review article)
The Theory of Loose Parts (article with first use of this term, Simon Nicholson, 1971)
Art as Experience (book link on Wikipedia)
Joseph Beuys (Wikipedia)
Zach Pine Create with Nature contact form and email list signup for events and news
Sand Globes Worldwide website (includes 4-minute instructional video)
Sand Globes Worldwide project video
Beach Propellers Worldwide website
Guide: Create-with-Nature play-- How to set up and host your own nature play program
Making and Using Create-with-Nature Zones (how-to guide)
SF Nature Exploration Area Design Playbook (20 pages pdf)
SF Nature Exploration Design Guide (73 pages pdf)
National COVID-19 Outdoor Learning Initiative
Create-with-Nature Cart
Nature Play & Learning Places (book)
Children & Nature Network (C&NN) (multiple resources, including research library)
San Francisco Children and Nature
Children in Nature Collaborative (SF Bay Area)
Natural Learning Initiative (NLI) (includes multiple resources)
Why conservationists should heed Pokémon (article in Science)
"People of color: Nature belongs to us, too," blog post by CJ Goulding
How to raise an environmentalist (review article)
The Theory of Loose Parts (article with first use of this term, Simon Nicholson, 1971)
Art as Experience (book link on Wikipedia)
Joseph Beuys (Wikipedia)